The area I wish to pursue is sequential illustration in the form of comics and graphic novels. I concentrate on figures, gestures and expression and communicate narrative through this. Consequently I think comics and graphic novels would be a good area for me to explore so that I can develop my communication skills and better target my work to an audience.
In my work experience I would like to learn more about the aesthetics of comics so that I can enable my work to flow better and be more easily understood. Ideally I would like to work with an illustrator in their studio to view their practice and to learn new techniques and skills. I would like to interview current comic book artists to understand how they conduct their practice and the process by which they produce their books. This will help me to refine my way of working and to develop time management skills. Most importantly I need to learn how to target my work to an audience. Looking into design competitions will help me to do this and to practice working to a brief if possible I would like to do commission work also.
I will try to contact various illustrators in this field, look at design collectives, attend comic book events, get interviews with artists and find relevant competitions and events.
Places/ people to contact:
Will Morris illustrator/ comic book artist
Hunting Town Design- Manchester Based design collective
Raw- Design Studio Manchester
Jon Lock- Comic book writer
Roy Huteson Stewart- Comic book artist/ illustrator
Thought Bubble- Comic book convention in Leeds
Folio Society- Ghost stories cover competition